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hatmoza said:
disolitude said:
Good for Mass Effect 3 and Alan Wake for showing actual gameplay. You know...the thing that matters.

Rest are just CGI fodder...lame,

I'm pretty sure it was confirmed that The Last Of Us was in-game based on a few sources I read a few hours ago.

Too lazy to post links, so just go read up on it ;P

Lets not fall for this "in game" hype rumor for the 100th time. Its a modified game engine cut scene which was polished to look as spiffy as possible. It isn't rendered on the fly...and even if it was it still doesn't show gameplay. I have no clue what that game is play like. So I can't get hyped for it.

I just saw Metal Gear Rising trailer...thats a how a trailer needs to be made for me to be hype about a game. Gameplay looks awesome.