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The person at fails to realize one thing - the consumer. Sure, they will want to adopt cutting edge technology, but not at the costs right now. And with HD DVD fading, competition was what was driving down Blu Ray prices, not the kindness of big companies.

I also LOLed at the Wii statements. He can't be serious about Wii games selling under 500K too. Wow ... maybe it's too early in the A.M., but having BS for breakfast sucks ...

I think his article is interesting, but really it's the price. Customers are going with the cheaper consoles, and Ninny and MS are touting that to devs. The devs want loot and will focus their efforts on the Wii and 360. Forget exclusive content - devs are looking at the work involved and attach rates. Until enough people buy a PS3 for games and not Blu Ray, the PS3 will only chisel away at the 360 lead.

How the PS3 will stage a rally to whip the 360 and Wii is beyond me ...