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oh that's another one. Haven't played God of War 3 yet, but 1 and 2 were horrible. While the combos were kinda cool and the game was brutal as hell, it's a mindless button masher that rewards patience and perseverence over skill, and I hate that. when you're playing a game who's idea of difficulty is merely cranking up the enemy HP and resorting to cheap deaths, I'm not having fun. the puzzles were rudimentary and boring, the combat was repetitive and lacked depth, and the story was...I don't care w hat everyone says, the story was fucking atrocious. "BAWWWW I HAD SO MUCH BLOOD LUST THAT I KILLED EVERYONE BEFORE REALIZING IT WAS MY WIFE AND KIDS BAWWW". that's not tragedy, that's hilariously pathetic. I do not and cannot feel even the slightest hint of remorse for someone who is so violent t hey 'accidentally' kill their family then have the mental retardation to try to blame that on anyone but themselves. Kratos deserved all the pain that came to him and more. fuck kratos in his bleached ass. To make it even worse, you spend 3/4 of the first game killing waves of people and enemies for no apparent reason, because you're not given even a hint of story until late in the game. at least with Dante and Devil May Cry you knew why he was fighting...he was hired to :P

Horrible game in basically every way other than graphics.

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