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so let me get this straight, Sony takes measures to defend itself against people taking advantage of them (with the PSN hacks earlier this year as well as the part where they took away the 5-console sharing thing, and now the PSV's decision to only have one PSN account per system)...and you bitch?

While I couldn't care less about the actual company, it's very clear that people just LOVE bitching about Sony for some reason. It's been like this since 2005 "Sony hates us" "sony is shitting on fans" "sony is selfish"...meanwhile sony allowed you dumbasses to share games (which resulted in millions of lost sales), gave us free online play (and yet you bitched when they offered playstation plus), and unlike other publishers/console makers, has actually given more creative freedom to people who develop for them (look at Media Molecule, Polyphony, Quantic Dream, and Team ICO) than the competition, yet the public en mass HATES them.

This wasn't an issue with the PS1 or PS2, it wasn't till PSP and PS3 came out that so many people (most notably americans) got on the HATE SONY bandwagon, largely in part due to the lovely viral campaign microsoft had against them. (which is a rumor, but a strongly supported one).

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