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Star Wars is 6 movies, 3 or 4 of them aren't even considered that good by fans of Star Wars. They're aimed specifically at the young (Probably 6-20 year old) male demographic and fans of iconic media.

Star Trek has 5 different main series' covering 28 different seasons, and 11 different feature length films. These also serve cover a much wider variety of target audiences:

The original series is more for the hardcore trekkie and people who are into iconic film/TV; Deep Space 9 is for the people who want to follow the politics and such of the Star Trek Universe; Voyager is more interesting for non-Star Trek fans, and more of an adventure series full of really unique ideas; Enterprise I hear is very good, but suffered from similar problems to many other Sci-Fi series' like Caprica, where it was intended to hook on a wide audience, but instead ended up being much more niche. The Next Generation has the widest appeal and takes on elements from all of the different series.



So I feel they are very different. Obviously there is much much more to Star Trek than Star Wars. In terms of the volume of material, it is like asking "What do you like more, Ice Cube or Rock music?"

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.