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Yeah, I played Civilization a lot on PC when it came out and Colonization as well. Never played the second one a lot, didn't have access to a PC at the time. The third one has stolen quite a few hours of my life and the fourth even more so, especially with the Fall From Heaven II mod!

Removing the unit stacking was a good choice but, sadly, there is no relieve function. This gets doubly annoying when you attack cities surrounded by rought terrain, moving two-or three hexes can cost you several turns going around other units and climbing etc. Another addition I like is that the city itself has defensive capability on its own without any units stationed in it. You can bombard enemies with barrages from the city, this is especially useful against barbarians early in the game.

All in all though, the Civ series seems to be taking the same route as all other games this gen; headed for "broader audiences"... It feels overly simple compared to previous ones and just doesn't suck you in like the others (imo).