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rocketpig said:

Yeah, okay. Everything is one giant conspiracy. And BTW, I've worked in advertising for the past six years so I am definitely not naive when it comes to back-scratching. Crap, I bet you don't know half the dirty tricks advertisers pull on each other to get a leg up.

Everybody buys from the NPD. They're whores. All they want is for companies to continue to buy from them. If that is compromised in any way (say MS goes to them and asks them to cut Sony sales figures), don't you think Sony would go ape**** and stop spending millions with them? Sony knows what their numbers should be; if they're not arguing with the NPD, there's likely nothing going on. It's not as if MS can just bully Sony out of a market here, Sony's pretty damned big themselves and carries a lot of clout with their power.

Oh, and I stopped buying Windows products five years ago. Obviously, there must be a choice in the matter because I own four computers.

In short, when dealing with monolithic companies (Sony, MS, etc.), the NPD is self-regulatory because they can't afford to anger (and lose the business of) one of these corporations. The minor rewards and back-scratching that they would receive for it are greatly outweighed by their public perception and future profits.

Right... well for someone in the ad industry youre not a very good thinker. If a company wanted a favor they would never do what you are suggesting because it would be plain <fill in the blank>. Instead of fudging with another companies numbers they simply bolster their own. Who can prove it right or wrong then?

Everything is a conspirace? Dont put words into my mouth. There is a difference between using your head and following like a blind sheep or do you claim to work for NPD and can guarantee they are 100% clean? If not then I say use caution and dont believe everything you read but wait you should be all too familiar with that since you are in the advertising business right?

"Oh, and I stopped buying Windows products five years ago. Obviously, there must be a choice in the matter because I own four computers." - hehe well since it takes oh more than 5 years to make a new OS that seems about right to me. You probably have at least 1 legal copy on those systems and if you dont it just means you dont play any current PC games. Congrats but what do PC gamers do? Your argument will be something like "well they dont have to play on the PC. Its your choice blah blah... bs" Its a monopoly or are you going to say that both the US and Euro courts are wrong? I mean seriously, NPD is ok but all the courts are all wrong and corrupt since they dont agree with your opinion!?