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RolStoppable said:
Michael-5 said:
Mr Khan said:
Yoshi's Story at number 36

I won't update again until rather late tomorrow night, because i forgot to bring the list i had written up on a sheet of paper home with me for Thanksgiving. Indeed, it was very fortunate that i managed to remember numbers 39-36

I loved Yoshi Story. Black Yoshi was awesome. It's a shame Nintendo hasn't continued the Yoshi stand alone franchise (except for some crap DS launch titles). I played the hell out of this game as a kid, and it ranks just outside my top 50.

There's also Yoshi's Universal Gravitation on the GBA, if you can't stand having Mario in a Yoshi game. The cartridge has a built-in gyroscope or something to detect tilt and it's a central part of the gameplay. Depending on how you hold the GBA/DS, you can run on walls and Yoshi's jumping distance can change dramatically. It's not more than a 30° tilt to either side though, so the action isn't too crazy.

Kirby's Tilt'n'Tumble is a better handheld gyroscope game. It's for GBC, and basically you have to hold the GB level to play it. When you tilt the gameboy, Kirby rolls in that direction, and flicking it makes Kirby bounce (like a ball on a string). It was a really cool game, outside of my top 50, but Kirby games like this really are suited for Kirby.

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