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I'm not going to catch up in one go, but I've put 5 game down in the other thread now: 


50. Tales of Destiny - PSX (New):

I imported this game lasted year as part of my 'classic NSTC PSX games that never saw the light of day binge'.  This was my 2nd Tales game, my 1st being Symphonia; I really liked this game, definitely an underrated gem IMO.  The game utilises a wierd combination of random encounters and visible enemies, and while I prefer consistancy, it is nowhere near as bad as it sounds.  My only real criticism with the game is how the all the dungeons one plays through towards the end of the game all feel 'samey', they all have the same theme and features.



49. System Shock 2 - PC (46 last year):

I'm not usually a PC gamer, but I think this game is amazing.  It's villian is 2nd only to Kefka from FFVI IMO and is the game is constructed almost perfectled.  If every FPS was like this, I'm sure I would be a fan of the genre.


48. Grandia - PSX (New):

This is a legendary game.  It has quite possibly my favourite battle system of any RPG and a fantastic theme tune as well.  The characters are amazing, the graphical style suits the game really well.  The voice acting is a little crap, but that aside this is a near flawless JRPG.  Which reminds me that I should somewhen track down the other games in the series.


47: Rez - DC (39 last year):

More people should play this game, it's easily one of the DC's best.  This just beats out both Lylat Wars and Sin and Punishment to be my favourite rail shooter.  I can't describe it too much more, you just need to play it.


46. Metroid Fusion - GBA (44 last year):

Being the first metroid game since 1994, this game had a lot to prove and it didn't let down.  I felt the game was a tad too linear, but the fantastic soundtrack, fast paced gameplay and story more than made up for it.  If you have a GBA, you need to own this game.



EDIT: and here is my list from last year, if anyone is interested: