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O.K here we go:


Super Mario RPG.  While I think this game is overrated, I still believe it is one of the greatest games ever produced.  It is the product  when IMO the two greatest 16bit developers (Nintendo and Squaresoft) team up to create a game.  It's just  a shame S-E now owns the rights to Geno, therefore we haven't seen him in Mario Kart yet.


Age of Empires II Gold Edition.  This features both the game and the expansion, this is easily my favourite 'traditional' RTS (ie excluding Pikmin and the like).  I first got it when I was 9 and regularly play it and love it ever since.

PS - if Gold Edition doesn't count, count the original game minus the expansion instead.


Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Earth - A fantastic game and possibly my favourite shooter after Lylat Wars and Rez.  This is probably considered the N64's swansong with Majora's Mask and Perfect Dark.  I downloaded it on the VC in 2008 and regularly play through it again.


Paper Mario - Due to it's limited print run, it is still very expensive to get hold of it to this day here in Europe.  Therefore, I was overjoyed when it was released on the Virtual Console.  I prefer it to Super Mario RPG as to me it 'feels' more like a Mario RPG rather than an RPG featuring Mario characters.


System Shock 2 - IMO one of the greatest PC games ever released.  It has arguably the greatest villain in gaming and stands up today as how I think a FPS should be constructed.  If you haven't played it, think of it as Bioshock with less flashy graphics, but overall better.


Psychonauts - One of my favourite non Mario 3d platformers around.  I would even argue that this game in superior to Super Mario Sunshine and is arguably the best platformer of the 6th gen.  This game deserved more sales, far more sales.


Metroid Fusion - Being the first metroid game since 1994, this game had a lot to prove.  It did and provided one of the best games on the GBA.  While I always thought the game was too linear, it still stands as a perfect example of the brilliance of the Metroid games.


Little Big Planet - The game that finally convinced me to buy a PS3, easily the best platformer on the PS3.  I still boot this up at create some more stuff every so often.


Metroid Prime -When I first played this game it blew me away, this is quite possibly the more atmospheric game I have ever played.  I find it a little hard to go back to though after playing Corruption with IR Wii controls.


Paper Mario: TTYD - Pretty much the N64 Paper Mario, but better in every way.  Better story, better location, high res sprites, better sidekicks, a better villian, better abilities, more memorable boss fights, etc.  A must for any fan of either Mario or RPGs.


Lylat Wars - IMO the best starfox game and one of the best rail shooters ever made.  I'm really hyped for the 3DS remake of this game.


Rez - It's a shame not too many people have played this classic Dreamcast game.  when I first played this game it blew me away.  I advise everyone to play it.


SSBMelee - when I first got this game, it blew my mind.  It also completely transformed my gaming future, I bought Starfox Adventures and Metroid Prime almost solely because I knew the characters from this game.


Secret of Mana - I love  this game.  With real time battles, 3 player co-op and no random encounters it was ahead of it's time.  It had an innovative 'ring menu' system and featured among the best graphics on the SNES.  One can download it for only 800 Wii points, so I really advise you to buy it!


Ico - While this game pales compared to Shadow of the Colossus (which will feature later on this list), it is still among the bes PS2 games around.  It has arguably my favourite box art of any game and I find it sad that not many people have played this. 


Final Fantasy VIII - This is my least favourite of the mainline PSX FF games, despite this I still love it.  I liked the story and the character, but that doesn't excuse the game's frankly fucked up magic system.  This is the first of many mainline FF games to appear on this list


Zelda TP - 8/12/06, easily the biggest day in my gaming life in recent years, the day that not only did a new Nintendo console launch, but it did so with a new Zelda game.  Some people see this game as a disappointment, but I see it as an amazing game that just isn't as good as Wind Waker. 


Golden Sun - This is an RPG that successfully blends tradition with the new.  With lightning fast turn based battles, Zelda style puzzles in dungeons and an innovative Djinn system, this was one of the best games on the GBA.  By the time this list is finished I will have my hands on Golden Sun DD.


Pokemon Diamond - the game that took over my life for the second half of 2007.  I have over 350 hours on my copy, I've completed the pokedex (including events) and pretty much done everything the game has to offer.  I can't wait for Black/White.


Little King's Story - I wasn't sure about this game when I picked it up in April 2009.  I needn't have worried as it is one of the best original new IPs this gen.  Think Pikmin but better.  While lots to explore and a good 45 hours quest, this is game which was my sleeper hit of 2009. 


Zelda Majora's Mask - I only got to play this game when it hit the virtual console last year, but I loved every second of it.  It may be short on the dungeon side on things, but completely makes up for it with greater side quests.  I also love how all the NPCs have routines.


Castlevania Symphony of the Night - I've only recently played through this gem of a game and consider it equal to the Metroid series.  The castle is designed really well with an amazing soundtrack.  The voice acting is rather shitty at times though.


Okami - I've only played the Wii version of this game, but it remains one of my favourite games of all time.  The art style is arguably the best I've ever seen and it rivals Zelda in its quality.  I can't wait for Okamiden.


Monster Hunter 3 - Before I bought it, I wasn't sure I would like this game.  Over 120 gameplay hours left and it ranks 28 on  my list.  With among  the best visuals and easily the best online structure of any game on the Wii, this is a must have for anyone who loves online games.


SMA4 (Super Mario Bros 3) - Many people will state that this is far too low for such a classic platformer.  I played this game to death when I first got it several years ago and while I prefer Super Mario World this still ranks very  high in my list.


Final Fantasy VII - One of the most overrate games of all time IMO, but I still love this game.  While I prefer many of the other Final Fantasy games, this still ranks very highly in  my list.  I just wonder if the fabled remake will ever be released.


Shadow of the Colossus -  When I first played this game a couple of years ago I instantly fell in love with it.  Everything from the graphical style to the story is fantastic.  It really is a shame that this game didn't sell more as it is IMO among the best the PS2 has to offer.


NSMBWii - A blast in both multiplayer and singleplayer, this game took over my life when I got it on release last year.  With IMO some of the best level design in  the Mario series and the ability to truly screw over your mates, this will go down in gaming history as a classic.  I just wish it had online and Wii speak support.


Final Fantasy V - A true underrated RPG in my opinion.  While it doesn't have the epic story and characters that the likes of IV, VI and VII have, I think it makes up for it in it's amazing job system; expanded from FFIII.  It really is a shame this isn't held with as much regard as I think it deserves.


Resident Evil 4 Wii - If this was never released, either the GC or PS2 version would have taken it's place.  This is a fantastic game and is as good today as it was when the GC version released several years ago.  The Wii version retains the Ada Wong sections added to the PS2 version, but has amazing controls that totally make use of the Wii's IR sensor.  It also has to be said that the Wii version has the best boxart of all the versions.


Super Mario 64 - I really can't decide whether I prefer the N64 original or the (puts up flame shield) DS remake.  I love the analogue control , but I also love the extra stars, extra characters, minigames and even the basic multiplayer the DS version had added.  Which ever version you prefer, it is an amazing game and will be remembered for generations to come.


Zelda: Link's Awakening - The 1st Zelda game I owned and still to this day I find it amazing that they managed to fit this on a Gameboy cartridge.  With amazing music (Tal Tal Heights is among the best in the series IMO), a lengthy story and a large world now in colour to explore this is essential to every GBC owner.


Mario Kart DS - IMO easily the best Mario Kart game.  It has my favourite 2 tracks; Waluigi Pinball and Airship Fortress, a wide selection of characters and kart with online.  I play this so often, I wouldn't be surprised if I've broken 1000 hours playing this game altogether.]


Tales of Symphonia - This is one hell of a game.  I had recently got into RPGs and found a copy relatively cheap on ebay (it's rare and expensive in the UK due to a limited print run).  It has become one of my favourite RPGs.  It has a good lengthy story, very good voice acting and an amazing battle system.  Speaking of which, I need to track down the sequal.


Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Shock, Horror, this isn't at number one or even in the top ten!  I love this game, I just prefer some other Zelda games which one will see later on my list.  I can only imagine how amazing this game must have felt back in the 5th generation, it still stands up as a fantastic game all these years later.


Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver - A fantastic great of one of the greatest RPGs ever produced.  If this game was never released, the original would have had this spot instead.  The greatest Pokemon game updated with new pokemon and online battling, everyone should own this game.


Final Fantasy IX - Sakaguchi claims this is his favourite FF game and this is one of my favourites too.  IMO this is easily the best FF game on Sony platforms.  This game returned to the more medieval fantasy style of the older games (which I prefer), but unfortunately never sold as well as I think it should it have, especially here in Europe.


Skies of Arcadia - IMO easily the best game on the Dreamcast and one of the best RPGs ever made.  It has  a long involving story, an epic soundtrack, a surprisingly deep combat system, amazing design and all round fantastic from start to finish.


Xenogears - I have just finished playing this, literally finished it about this time two days ago.  With giant mechas and an at time confusing storyline filled with religious and psychological stuff, this reminded me of Neon Genesis Evangelion apart from it actually makes sense in the end.  It's an gaming atrocity that this has never ever been released in Europe.


Ogre Battle 64 - This game was never released in Europe and so I only experienced it when it hit the Virtual Console earlier this year.  It's the best 1200 Wii points I've ever spent.  It also truly shows how a gripping involving RPG doesn't need extensive FMVs and therefore fit comfortably into an N64 cartridge.  The greatest S-RPG I have ever played.


Super Mario World - This game blew me away when I first played it.  The level design, the music, Yoshi, the bosses they all are fantastic.  I've played through this game on the SNES and GBA about 12 times in total.  Being told I was a 'super player' was a defining moment in my gaming life.


Zelda ALttP - The best 2D Zelda IMO and it has one of the best soundtracks in gaming.  This game took the design layed down by the original Zelda and brought it into the 16bit era with graphical layering, mode 7, multi-floor dungeons and twin overworlds.  I've played this several times on the SNES and about 5 times on the GBA.


Super Mario Galaxy - In 2007, this game blew me away.  It brought 3D Mario back after the strange, but underrated, tangent that was Sunshine.  It also showed me what could graphically be done with the Wii.  While I think that it has been eclipsed by another game released this year, this still breaks my top ten.


Final Fantasy IV DS - The best version of one of my 2nd favourite Final Fantasy game.  This added 3D graphics, FMVs with voice acting and minigames to the original.  The difficulty was increased, which IMO is a good thing.  I just hope that they do the same with FFV and more importantly VI.


Super Metroid - I've played this game so many times, I've found every upgrades and completed the map.  This was the first game I downloaded on the virtual console.  Super Metroid is simply part of my gaming life, the music is among the most atmospheric I've ever heard and I love the graphical style and Zebes design.


Super Smash Bros Brawl -This game took up my life during the summer holidays on 2008.  According to the Nintendo Channel, I've spent over 200 hours on this game and I still regularly play it either alone or with company.  I have done absolutely everything with this game.


Chrono Trigger DS - I've only played the DS version as it is the only release of the game to make it to Europe.  Not often do I replay a game the moment I've finished it, but I did with Chrono Trigger.  I've seen 5 of the game's endings so far and vow to one day see the remainder.


Super Mario Galaxy 2 - I thought this would just be 'Super Mario Galaxy 1.5' at first, how wrong I was.  IMO this is the greatest platformer ever created.  It keeps what was so great about the original and adds to it.  This is an essential purchase for all gamers.  It alone is worth buying a Wii for.


Final Fantasy VI - The best RPG and Square game ever made.  This has my favourite storyline and soundtrack of any game ever made.  With so many plot twists and turns this game kept me wanting more for months.  Every Final Fantasy game since has felt just a little disappointing to me after I have experienced this masterpiece. 


Zelda Wind Waker - I've played through this game so many times.  I've done everything including that fucking huge photography and trophy side quest which involves at least 2 playthroughs of the game.  I'm pretty sure I cried when my GC memory card broke with that data on there.  The game's art style was controversial at first, but everyone I know warmed up to it and IMO Wind Waker is the best looking game ever made.