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Personally I have no faith in the UN it is unable to do anything because China, Russia and America, Britain cannot get along. Russia and China veto anything that America or Western Europe want and when Russia or China want something done often America will block it. The idea of all these countries working together for world peace is hilarious. None of them want real world peace they only want what benefits their own country.

Personally the UN has done many good things. But the leadership is screwy look at Rwanda where Canada stood almost entirely alone while all the other countries ordered their troops to retreat. Every time the UN intervenes its Nato forces which come in and clean up the mess or protect the peace, China and Russia rarely if ever contribute.

As for the solution to Syria. I think military intervention is required. However I think that the Arab League should be the ones putting boots on the ground. It is their region and a Nato force wouldn't be welcomed like a Islamic force from the Arab League. Nato should offer air support to the Arab League force making it a more international operation. I think Nato should be involved but not take the lead.

Also those suggesting Israel intervene, that would be like throwing gasoline on a fire. Israel needs to worry about Iran and Palestine they can't afford to worry about Syria. Israel entering Syria would be a death sentence.

In the end I believe either way Assad will be removed from power. Whether it is in a 20 year civil war or a 10 year armed incursion by AL troops. Unlike Libya Nato can't simply topple the Government and let the rebels take control and intervening would destablalize the region not to mention many Arab countries would be concerned with a Nato presence in Syria.

Its a Arab issue and while Nato should help the Arab League they need to take point and most of the responsability in this case. As for the UN Russia and China have to stop playing political games both countries know that Syria is in the wrong. Russia has stated several times recently that Assad needs to talk peace with the opposition and the armed actions need to cease. The only reason they aren't supporting sanctions is to oppose America, also the fact that Russia is selling Assad the weapons he is using on the Syrian civilians may also have a part to play in their lack of interest in sanctions.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer