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KichiVerde said:

There is much injustice in America. We have a white supremacist hegemony that exercises power over the masses. But in any society there exists a hegemony. The problem with American society is that our hegemony is oppressive. It divides the masses, dominates and then exploits them. The only way for Americans to fight back is for the working class (the lower class and middle class combined) to unite and work toward common goals that are mutually beneficial for the majority of society. This can be done through boycotts, strikes and any other means that effect labor and consumerism, allowing the working class to hold sway over the market, and force the corporate capitalists to capitulate to their demands.

This is what happened during the Civil Rights movement of the 60's. Unfortunately, the social inequity of our nation was not fully addressed at the time. The legislation and bills granted equal rights but the white supremacist hegemony did not relinquish its grasp on the the money and power. Due to the economic disparity created by colonialism and slavery the whites have always held control in this country and do so to today. Some people may think I am being inflammatory in claiming the hegemony is 'white' but it is. This is because they impose a dominant culture that is based on white Eurocentric values. The aim is assimilation, the idea that America is a 'melting pot.' But this approach to multiculturalism is racist and oppressive because it disregards the identities of minorities, their language and culture, and moreover, stifles a truly democratic society. Cultures should exist side by side. They should cooperate with one another so they can decide what is best for everyone. However, in our nation all the major institutions favor an elite class of Euro-Americans made up of corporate capitalists, American conservatives and other political figures who support big business--the aforementioned white supremacist hegemony.

It is quite sad how our country is today.The key to anything is unity. But American values imposed by the hegemony are against unity in how they promote individuality. At the same time the hegemony works toward assimilation. Their agenda undermines our national identity by creating a situation where in being individuals we also prescribe to the dominant culture which goes against diversity. Racism, classism, and social indifference are the inherent product of this contradiction.

To justify their position the hegemony perpetuates the "American lie", the idea that anyone with a good education and personal initiative can rise above their position to get "a piece of the good life". But this is far from the truth. Oppression (and racism as a part of it) is institutionalized and systemic in society and makes it nearly impossible for a large and growing percentage of our population to achieve social mobility. With the wealth gap widening and the middle class shrinking, people are finally wising up to the fact, and they are directing their anger toward Washington and big business. But this accomplishes very little. They have to strike at the heart of capitalism. They have to impact the market. And they have to do it for the right reasons. We need social reform that is mutually agreeable and environmentally responsible. It will not uproot the capitalist machine that is the main source of inequity in our nation, but it will lead to concessions that can improve the lives of everyone. If we fail to fight, a large number of the oppressed will continue to exist in a bleak cycle of fatalism, inaction and exploitation. And that is something we as Americans should not stand for.


Consider yourself enlightened.

The white man is the devil,i always say