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The Xbox was certainly an important console from an industry perspective, and you made some pretty good points in your article, almost all of which I agree with except #1... GoldenEye and Perfect Dark were not "party games." We had Mario Party, Mario Kart and Smash Bros for that, thank you very much. If those 2 shooters are considered "party" games... then Halo is the ultimate party shooter because people had ACTUAL parties when playing it!

But in no way does it come anywhere close to being the greatest game system of all time, for the simple fact that it didn't really have that many big exclusive games in the first place other than Halo. All its other notable big games were either PC ports like Half Life 2, Rainbow Six Doom 3 and Chronicles of Riddick, or multiplatform hits like the GTA series and Tony Hawk. Fable and Forza both came too late in the console's life to really make an impact, and they didn't become the massive franchises they are now until their 360 sequels hit.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.