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"Also if you think PS4 and 70 will be 20 times more powerful than Wii U like your post suggest, you're dreaming."

.... you know there's really no need to be an arrogant schmuck allright, I was making an example and simply threw out an arbitrary multiple to exaggerate my point. Obviously neither console will be 20 times more powerful. The point that I was making was directly related to cost and how that is the main factor limiting what those new consoles will be capable of. If Sony and MS can both make cosoles that blow the doors off the Wii U...and do so in a cost effecient way, I'll repeat that..and do so in a cost effecient way... then believe me, that's what they'll do.

"Another thing, what most developers would want from this gen is for development costs to not skyrocket even more. If they were so ectastic to use money to develop on the most powerful hardware they have, then multiplats would be made for PCs and ported to consoles instead of Vice versa. It's cheaper and easier to develop on the least capable hardwares and up-port."

.....thanks for the info, but, developers, just like gamers, want things bigger and better. I didn't say anything about cost, or what's cheaper to develop on, I said developers always want more power and ability to create what they envision. If that weren't true, than we wouldn't have Idtech5, or Frostbite 2.0, PC graphic cards wouldn't keep evolving etc. etc.... increased tech capabilities are what drive the game industry forward, without them, we'd still be playing Atari. You gotta learn to read between the lines a little bit and stop being so literal.

"One last thing about gamers gravitating to the most powerful console, that has never really been the case in console history. The most powerful console has never sold the most of it's generation. Gamers whose console decision rely on power above every thing else are the minority in console gaming. There are alot more important things that come into play."

.......once again, you're misreading, or simply misunderstanding my point. I didn't say anything about the most powerful console being the market leader for it's respective generation. I said developers and gamers will gravitate towards the most powerful cosole, and they do so because that's the natural order and evolution of the industry. I didn't say it had to be everybody all at once. For arguments sake; ColecoVision and Intellivision stole quite a few gamers away from Atari, the original NES re-established the home console market. The Super Nintendo brought back allot of gamers that the company had lost to the Genesis. Playstation knocked the Saturn around, the Dreamcast blew people away until... check it out.... the more powerful Playstation 2 was released. The Xbox sold 24 million consoles and the PS3 will at some point take over 2nd place here in the seventh generation. What do all these consoles have in common with each other... yep, you guessed it, they were more powerful than the console before it and developers/gamers gravitated towards them.
Does that help you understand a little better. Sorry for the sarcasm, but you kinda got on my nerves.