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I've played about 6 hours total, have been a bit busy but I'm finding hard to get into it. I like the game in general, especially the scenery and just that sense of a whole new world for the taking, but the game reminds me soooooooo much of Fallout New vegas (I'm aware they are both made/produced/whatever by bethesda) and Fallout is by far my favorite RPG this gen.

I clocked in about 50 hours on fallout (without beating the last two DLCs. Something about F:NV kept me addicted. Skyrim to me is insanely similar to fallout but it just does not retain my interest. I'm not sure why but I cannot play for more than 2 hours at a time. I usually play and while I'm playing, I'm thinking about playing Uncharted 3, League of legends or even runescape for crying out loud (which I find very fun btw :D) I'm forcing myself to like it. Hopefully, I hit a point soon where I become engrossed with skyrim.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian