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Wonktonodi said:
Yakuzaice said:

Wow, so many UC3 platinums.  Is this the most platinums ever for a game on release week (or any week)?

Well I checked, UC2 had 5.  I assume that was probably the previous highest.  Fun fact, Ajescent, getrdone, and Wonktonodi got both the UC2 and UC3 platinum week one.

That is a fun fact. I wonder if the 2 of them got the game early like me. I could have had it week 0 if I had pushed myself.

I got Uc3 on week 0 early but not Uc2 but I still got it on the first week.

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?