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d21lewis said:
Beautiful game but....enemy AI is a little retarded, some animations are jarring, pacing can be a little too slow, everywhere Drake steps, the floor collapses, story is a tad too familiar, gunplay is only average, enemies don't react realistically to being shot or shot at, and platforming is too forgiving. Sometimes, it feels like it's playing itself, too.

Great puzzles, some of the best graphics you can find, halarious characters and amazing dialog, some spectacular set pieces, and great voice acting.....but it's not perfect. I'm playing on Normal and I'm just getting to the part where you meet Elena. I expect it to get better. The second chapter blew away all expectations, too.

Seriously. It loses a little of its impact the ten thousandth time the world collapses under your feet, even when there's a scary ass inferno threatening to swallow you up below.

After my first playthrough on Normal, I thought Uncharted 3 was pretty inferior to UC2. The most memorable stuff was all the crazy environmental shit (and the jaw-dropping vista in the desert that made me want Journey nownowNowNowNOWNOWNOW), but the ending seemed so rushed (don't even get me started on that copout of a swerve) and when it was over I couldn't remember having a single balls out firefight. However, my second playthrough on Crushing was much more engaging. Especially that first shootout in the ghost town where you don't even start with a gun. Holy hell! I'd still say it's not quite up to the level of Uncharted 2, which for my tastes just had a better balance of... everything, really, but it's still an awesome, awesome game. And I definitely prefer the multiplayer in 3.