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starcraft said:

We now know that Microsoft did extremely well in 2007, however they could have done better. It's fair to expect that the low-end 360 will start getting down towards mass-market prices towards the end of 2008, so now its time to call price drops.

When will Microsoft drop the price?  I don't think it will be as soon as most people think.  Maybe E3 or later.  Why not?  Because GTA IV will sell systems anyway.  No reason to prime the pump if the water is going to flow.

How much will the drop be for each SKU?  Sadly, only about $50 for each sku.  Maybe a bit more if the systems drop the packed in games.

Will Sony follow with the same price drop for the PS3?  Absolutely, though they may wait up to a month so MS doesn't steal their thunder or make them look like a follower.

Does anyone have an educated guess as too how much Microsoft are clearing on each 360 sold?  Good question.  I'd guess just about break even at this point.  Sure there may be a bit of money made on the hardware, but that's currently being offset with advertising, warranty repairs, and other expenses.

Numbers are like people. Torture them enough and you can get them to say anything you want.

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