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Listen, if Capcom is willing to put Bionic Commando, a game originally conceived as a PS3 exclusive, on the Wii, then I think they can find a way to put RE5 on it.

You say RE5 being already in development for the 360/PS3 is a dissadvantage to this cause, but I say it just makes it all the easier as most of the work is already done. Don't try and pretend you know what it takes to port a game or the ability by which such a thing could happen. All you know are numbers and stats given after the fact. You're probably the same people who also said there is no way the Wii could be a success this generation and when you were proven wrong claimed it was just a fad.

There's nothing wrong with being a pesimist, but to so actively try and discourage an effort you assert is hopeless to begin with is somewhat of a contradictory act. You simply just don't want it on the Wii, plain and simple. And for those of you who do want it but doubt it will happen, what harm is it to sign the petition? Power in numbers my friends, power in numbers.