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ghettoglamour said:
Batman clearly got that 96/95 because of its unexpected quality, just the opposite of Uncharted 3, which became a victim of its own hype in some cases.

Batman may win the metascore, but I really see Uncharted 3 as the stronger candidate for GOTY.
I mean, is there a single quote that says something like "Batman is the best game of this gen"...?

batman wasn't unexpected. all big sites knew it will be much better than arkham asylum and that got 92% i think. and about your question, yes german gamepro for example gave arkham city one more point than uncharted and after a few conspiracy theories in the comments (as usual from ps3 fans for whatever reason) an editor replied and said that they think arkham city is the better game and that's the reason why uncharted got one point less.

"Und da waren sie wieder ... die Verschwörungstheorien. Nein, wir scheuen uns sicher nicht, systemexklusive Spiele hoch zu bewerten. Nein, wir haben nichts gegen Nathan Drake, Naughty Dog oder gar Sony. Es ist einfach so, dass Bruce Wayne ein klitzeklein wenig mehr bietet als Uncharted 3. Und das drückt sich eben in dem einen (!) Prozentpunkt aus, den er Nathan Drake voraus hat. Wenn wir ehrlich sind, macht das keines der beiden Spiele wirklich besser oder schlechter."