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I would go with the GAME, the prices aren't bad when you consider that you get reward points back (around £2 for a £40 pre-ordered game, so I got a whole £5 of reward points for pre-ordering Gears 3 Epic Edition), but the key point is delivery. Even with free delivery, you get most games a day early. It has happened for me for pretty much every game, though some of the larger games (like FIFA) you won't get as they have more sophisticated systems to ensure that everyone will receive the game in time

I have also pre-ordered from HMV and Play, who both delivered the game on the release day, though I am interested to know how good Gamestop are, as while I missed out the Uncharted 3 Explorer's Edition, I am thinking of pre-ordering the Assassins Creed Revelations Animus Edition from them, but I don't want to have to pay for delivery