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Pyro as Bill, why haven't you responded to yo_John117's post on page 2 where the included definitions, obviously pasted from a dictionary, which as everyone knows are the equivalent linguistic counterpart to a 'rule book'... completely contradict your entire argument.
You know what, here, I'll tell you why.
Because he proved you wrong and you have no response.
So instead of manning up and admitting it, you choose to simply ignore him and continue debating your silly, semantically challenged argument with others.
Weak man, really weak.
You're completely free to twist definitions around and subjectively decide what you want words to mean to you personally. But, when you do that, it ceases to be 'truth' and becomes 'opinion'.
It'd be nice, and far less agravating to those to who know better, if you understood that.
If you want to misinterpret Halo and Call of Duty as toys, fine, but I'd like you to explain to me why there's a winner and a loser at the end of a match, two states that can only be arrived at by playing a 'game'
Second thought, don't even bother.