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trestres said:
menx64 said:
Good wii numbers (given the fact that nintendo didnt mind to release any good game on the system for over 8 months) the wii is just warming up... Nov-Dec numbers are going to surprise many people...
The 3DS in the other hand, well it is selling great (wii-situation again) no games no big sales... Nintendo is probably going to make a lot of money this holiday, I expect wii & Ds to have some surprising numbers, and the 3ds to explode mid november...

I'm just curious, you always appear as extremely optimist for Nintendo products, always predicting great things for them and lying to yourself about the weekly numbers.

Could you share your expectations for the Wii, DS and 3DS? You seem so sure about the mega success and Nintendo destroying the competition this holidays, that you surely have made an analysis of it and have got some numbers in your possession that will shock and scar people for life. Come on, surprise us now with your beforehand knowledge, I want to know by how much Wii is going to outsell the competition this Holiday.

Please tell us as well about another prediction of yours that said that Wii was going to reach 100M before this FY ends.

  ok, lying myself every week?... I dont think so, I do believe the wii is still selling a lot more than what actually deserves (at least in the west) given the fact that nintendo didnt bother to sell any games for at least 8 months, I mean I understand no third party games, thats almost a given now (unless nintendo moneyhats DQX, MH) but no first party games? And even though I love the wii, I dont think the wii is going to sell more than the 360/ps3 this year, it is going to have good numbers but not as good as last year.

The DS in the other hand is a very interesting case, while it is not going to sell in the same levels as previous years, the ds is still going to sell very well, good price + lots of great games = success.  

As for the 3ds, sells are not as good as anybody was probably expecting, but this is the wiicase again, no games no sells, OoT & starfox are both great games, I bought them day 1, but the 3ds needs its own brain age game (not brian age itself, but a flagship title) its own NSMB game... I think the mario 3ds land/mario kart 7 tandem is going to skyrocket it.


100 million before FY?... I think I was being too positive there...

predictions: between nov7 and january 2 

wii:  4-5.5 millions ww

DS: 3-3-5 millions ww

3ds: 5 millions ww



3DS code: 1289-8222-7215

NNid: Menx064