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snakenobi said:
zarx said:

No it is their ability to not give up in the face of adversity, it is mesurable 


do you have something like thermometer to measure it?

You haven't actually read anything I have writen have you...

How does not beliving in deities or an afterfile = non consequential thinking in your mind?

cause you will then live a selfish life satisfying urself till death

Nope sorry you are wrong

There are real consequences to your actions, you don't need an imaginary man in the sky when you have governments, laws, revenge and other people's opnions of you and your actions...

if a person were real selfish then they wouldn't care about those things how do you think most of the rulers in this world became who they are

you think ancient greece didn't have laws?

roman republic didn't have laws?

there weren't laws when world wars happened?

there were but men broke it and pursued their goals in life


one side you talk about atheism but other side you talk about fear from government,thats fear.real atheists do not have that

Do I have to point out that Hitler was a devout christian? Real athiests have fear seriusly is you trolling devolving to just repeating your already debunked stupid claims? Athiesm has one *1* tenant they don't belive in deities. Nothing else is implied *no other beliefs are implied or personality traits are shared*. Is that clear to you now?

Anarchists belive there should be no rules and that might is right and the law of the jungle rules.

and what is atheism about?

See above

it about not having fear and supremacy over other people

nope wrong

one side you talk about fear that abrahamic religious folks have and the other side you are talking about the same thing about atheist


No Pantheism is a new age religion

pantheism is not a religion but its type

deism -  atheist Fuck you couldn't be more wrong diest is the oposite of athiest 

Diest = belive that by observing the world you can tell that it has a creator that no longer interacts with the world but don't belong to an organised religion... 

theism - abrahamic religion

pantheism - buddhism,etc

that basically takes the tenants of humanisim with some fruity reverance for nature thing tacked on.

all religion talk about humanism,which religion doesn't talk about it?

and yet athiests can also be Humanists see how that works?

I am plenty ready to listen to peole that actually have something intelligent to say.Everything you are saying is stupid and ignorant, peace of mind and understanding would help you.

google a bit of what i am saying

I did you are wrong

u are one of those who makes his own meaning of also seem to make ur own meaning of intelligence

Nope that's you again I am using dictionary definitions...

anyways,u have a serious lack of knowledge on philosophy,religion,science to get what i'm trying to say,so i will stop.

You again

research for sometime,be patient while learning

Seriusly your trolling got better at the end ;)

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