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reviniente said:
Michael-5 said:

Some old American cars the dial resents, but not all of them. Pre 1980's, American cars were built to last exactly 3 years. After 3 years the car was engineered so everything would break down on you at the same time, and it's not worth repairing. Thats why US cars were beautiful then. All of a sudden, they got ugly, it was because they started making their cars last longer to fend off the Japanese. However to keep profits up, they reduced the price of the material, fired designers, and made basic ugly boxes. Just remember the generic little mustands of the 90's and how ugly the Corvette C4 is compared to the C3. This is why that happened.

Clothing corporations can easily pay their employees proper wages and lose a 1-2% profit margin. Nike Shoes cost about 40 cents to make, if they paid their employees a reasonable fair, that could go up to $2. If Nike raised the price of shoes $1.60, people would not notice, but there would be some justice to that corporation.

I disagree with you about free PSN. It's one major reason PS3 sales are stronger in EMEAA. It's cutting into Sony's profit, yes, but Japanese corporations aren't as greedy as US ones. It's here to stay, and I bet Nintendo will expand on it with Wii U.

No I pay x amount to play 12 months, and if I don't play 6 of those months I threw x/2 amount away. I should have more online pass options, maybe paying for x many hours, or making 3 months cars reasonably priced.

With those 80 cent Nike shoes I can wear them out in 1 year or 5 years. It's my choice when I want to wear them, it's my choice when I want to throw them out, and If I feel like it I can buy another pair of shoes and hold off wearing those Nike shoe out. So comparing this to 360. If I play my Wii, or DS for 6 months instead of my 360, where is my option to suspend my XLB?

Your EMEAA argument is ludicrous. As if PSN were free only in Europe or in the Middle East. You think Americans don't like free stuff? Of course they do, but they rather pay for a better product (online play), and a more thought out gaming experience than a free half-baked one. Brand recognition and SON¥'s good reputation with consumer electronics keeps the PS3 ahead in most markets, not free PSN. C'mon Michael, really. You're starting to drop the ball. 

You actually think Nintendo will tolerate free online play? They sell their wares at a profit from the get-go, never at a loss, and now you're entertaining the notion that somehow they'll invest in a reliable, full-featured and efficient online infrastructure that will compete with LIVE and PSN, and end up giving it away for free? This is fantasy.

So, in short, is the current lack of a one-month-at-a-time or a 6-month LIVE membership that you can cancel at any time leaving you dissatisfied? Sounds to me like you're complaining about a paid service. Sounds to me like you want free. Remember, a one-year membership to LIVE entitles you to play online for one year; wether or not you choose to do so, it's up to you.

Obviously in Americas free online is appreciated. Americans are just dumb enough to fall for XBL's gimicks and promise of a "better online."

Let's just say it's a difference of opinion. Free PSN obviously attracts sales, but XBL generates a lot of money, that is why Sony introduced Playstation Plus. I believe the former is more important to Sony, where you believe the latter is. Not everything is about profit, a lot has to do with quality, and Japanese companies do cut profit for quality (as seen in the reliability of the consoles directly).

Nintendo isn't controlling the online play for Wii U. They are making it a free market, where developers choose how to make their online functionality work. Meaning, if say EA wanted to, they could charge for online specifically for NFS games or whatever.

When I said Nintendo will expand upon free online with Wii U, I meant Nintendo will invest most into a free online structure for Wii U then they did for Wii. It may not be up to XBL or PSN quality, but it will be good, and free.

I don't mind paying for XBL so long as it;s reasonable. Cell phone companies offer monthly and by the minute cell phone plans, XBL should offer the same. 1 year XBL forces me to play for 1 year, I cannot delay that if I'm on vacation, or if I am too busy to play games all together. I am paying for a parking space, even when I walk to work.

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