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Skeeuk said:
Michael-5 said:

Have you ever been to a real track to compare this too?

From my experience with Forza 3 and GT5, Nurburgring is the same width. My car barely fits on the carnival, and I jump out on the exact same spot, and some parts of the track I can barely fit two cars side by side in both games. I don't notice a difference in width.

There is also no official statement ever that Forza 3 tracks are wider. This is a rumor spread by haters.

Forza 3 as a sim is just as good as GT5. Forza 4 is better, I've only put a couple hours into it, but one think I can say for sure is I have never played a game which modeled braking, steering (at high speed) and car noise so well. Forza 4 is levels above Forza 3 and GT5, and like Forza 3 was when it launch, it;s the best this generation.

P.S. I have never raced on any track in GT or Forza, but the few local tracks are pretty damn wide. I think Forza and GT both model tracks well, and honestly I don't see a difference between Forza and GT5

the real life tracks in forza are definatly wider not that it makes it a bad game or anything i think thats in place to make game accesable

I've put in around 50 hours into GT5, and 80 into Forza 3, and I don't see a difference. I take turns at almost identical speeds in identical cars, and in key corners like carnival (nurburgring) I have just as much trouble fitting into specific sections in both games.

There is no evidence of this wider track belief, it's just a rumor.

However the claims of Forza 3 not needing brakes to corner is completly false.

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