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Allfreedom99 said:
Jumpin said:
Allfreedom99 said:
Jumpin said:
From what I understand - Republicans = the stupid party, whose people think the sun revolves around the earth, and don't know where Iraq is on a map.

Maybe that is what keeps people away. It's somewhat surprising that about half of the US seems to vote for them - this is why a lot of stereotypes about Americans exist.

you are making a sterotype claim that really dosn't exist.

Insane American Republican complaining about taxes and government spending.... all the while living on welfare.  

nice commical map, but dosn't really prove every Republican is somehow stupid. I will give props to the map being funny, but its just a stereotype that dosn't prove anything.

The video is of some random guy at a tea party rally. thats it. some random guy. I could probably go to any political movement or rally and find at least one person that doesn't have much of an education. Its all just stereotypes created by media for ratings honestly. It really just comes down to difference of opinions. One method of running a government VS. another.

Pointing out that the stereotype exists was the point of my post.

Also, it's complete hore crap if you think that is just one rare moron among the bunch. This whole "Tea Party" thing is well known to be full of crazies and idiots - Bill Maher, Steve Colbert, and John Stewart have made entire TV series' dedicated to showing the world how stupid these people actually are. Essentially, these guys are the same as Black Panthers, except white, far more stupid, and wield guns like wild people, not because of intimidation against the police who brutalized and murdered their people (as the black panthers did), but because they're just plain insane. In fact, the great irony is that the people who were largely against the Black Panthers are largely the same ones who make up this "tea party". Bill Maher explains their whole ridiculous stance quite well:

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.