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I honestly believe that their are more Americans ashamed because you dare to ask a question about an issue that every 12 year old should comprehend.

Anyway This issue is a worldwide issue, same here in Belgium 200.000 unemployed but 140.000 job openings...

A good question is "should the government trying to attract more investors and creating jobs for the group of people that are unemployed or should those people be responsible for themself and atleast trying to improve themselves.

Because this is the situation today on the jobmarket:

Person A: A guy who is 3 months unemployed is having an interview and gets the question 'what did you do the last 3 months' : Answer: I searched for jobs and in the time that I could not have an interview or could not write an motivation letter I was learning French (or any other language/or anything else)..

Person B: A guy who is 3 months unemployed is having an interview and gets the question 'what did you do the last 3 months' : Answer: I searched for jobs and spend 6 weeks protesting and watched tv!

Who probably will get the job in this situation?

America meant something because it existed out of people who mostly existed out of Person A examples, they could lose their house but they would work/learn hard to get it back today the people sit in the park and protest that it is not fair, complaining is an luxury and that is something people don't get..