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Going by what we've had confirmed by IBM and AMD the U is going to be 4 or 5 times more powerful than the PS3 and 360. And it's currently impossible for the gap in power between the U and PS4/720 to be the equivalent of the gap in power between the Wii and the PS3/360. The hardware simply doesn't exist yet.

This gen has confused a lot of people, some new to gaming this gen and some with the memory of goldfish. The only console this gen that has shown the traditional leap in power from last gen to this gen is the 360 being around 5 times more powerful than the Xbox. The PS3 has been a nontraditional 10 times more powerful than the PS2 and the Wii has been a nontraditional 1.5-2 times more powerful than the Gamecube.

Next gen is going to be more traditional, similar to last gen, with all 3 consoles being in the same sort of ballpark - Sony and Microsoft will both want to avoid making the same cock up that Sony made this gen with the PS3...they'll want to keep production and retail costs down, particularly when the U has had a year head start on sales and marketshare and will be ripe for a price cut if needed.

You'll see the U being the lead platform for multiplatform games next gen as the PS2 was last gen with the U running next gen engines at 720p native and the PS4/720 running them at 1080p native. Just a slight graphical downgrade.