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While I disagree on the title... the argument that WiiU will get no 3rd party exclusive content is a defensible position.

It will only launch a year ahead of a neXtBox and PS4. Its very likely it will get ports with potentially primary focus of PS360 stuff and then the same the next years and their successors come out. However, that may have more to do with the shift in the market than the actual hardware of any machine. Its simply not a smart move any more for 3rd parties to plan on exclusivity.

This means that, like the situation between PS360 now, the only difference is first party published software and if any uniqueness in hardware.

So part of his argument is actually Nintendo's best suit. Its unique hardware and its very popular and unique first party software. As long as it matches or excels at online and is able to gain the AAA content of other (which hasn't really happened since early N64 or SNES. (regardless of rol's complaints on GC) The WiiU will be highly successful throughout its whole lifespan. If it fails to be close enough in raw power as to the MSony next-gen units, then it will fall a lot sooner than the Wii's plateau.