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Well Pachter is at it again his constant attacks on Nintendo and lack of knowledge when it comes to their business plans and the way the industry actually works. His latest comment is that while "The Wii U is a pretty ambitious undertaking," is not actually a next generation platform at all. "It's a new console, with new controls and architecture, but it's not quite 'next' generation. Developers have to contend with differences between the Wii U and current generation consoles, then have to figure out what to do with the controls."

Pachter claims WiiU is a port box that will only recieve ports from PS3/360 and not any exculsive content. Relying on ports will lead to a lack of hardware sales since gamers would rather buy those games for their existing PS3/360 consoles. He is pretty sceptical about WiiU's ability to be success however unlike when he famously said Vita would be dead on arrival he said "In order for the launch to be hugely successful, the console will need three things: a competitive price, compelling first party launch titles, and compelling third party launch titles. We don't know if the Wii U will have any of these, so it's quite difficult to predict a hugely successful launch."

Apparently when Nex-Box and PS4 launch WiiU will be forgotten and stop receiving the ports it will rely on entirely for support. Since Pachter doesn't believe developers or publishers will give Nintendo any exclusive content.

Once again this shows Pachter is out of touch with reality. Fact is we know WiiU is going to be superior to PS3/360 in almost every way. Combined with new technology and such it is most definitely a next generation platform. What do you think is Pachter remotely correct or entirely or is he off in lala land again completely in his own sense of reality?



"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer