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My definition of hard might be off. But no game in the past 10 years was uncompletable hard. Hard games in the past where so difficult that knowing the endsequence of certain games was proof of your god like gaming abilities. It is time consuming to plat a game I will give it that and definetly very challenging to get some Throphies. But I almost burst out in tears when I was younger playing some games. Because I couldnt accept that I was mocked by a piece of plastic. Seeing the same levels daily for hours for weeks can be soul crushing. Hard in the past meant not beeing able to finish. In the Internet you find nice videos of guys that dominate every game. But in reality its rare.

This is my defenition of hard: impossible to finish without the dedication of an insane person.

Thats why I dont even notice games that are challenging. I cant even remember when I last thought: Damn I have to give up cant afford to spend the time to complete this game.

If you are not into shooter it might seem hard at first. But as soon as you know where the enemies are going to be and have improved your reflexes pretty much every shooter is similary easy. Sure the highest difficulty is a challenge almost always but never impossible, so that you might think: "I give up its not worth it"