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wenlan said:
I chatted with a colleague of mine yesterday. She is a 50-year-old pathology laboratory manager, a very nice lady. We ended up talking about the video games (she asked me what I did during the holidays) and she said she got a Wii for herself and she got all excited about that.

She said she really likes Wii sport (who doesn't) and Ping Pong (what?), the fishing game (eeh?)..... None of the AAA titles on the Wii was mentioned. In fact, she hasn't even heard of SMG.

I believe a lot of rational members on this site may have seen this coming. Most of the Nintendo games will sell very well with a very long leg, just like their games on DS. After SSBB and MK, the "non Ninty fan" gamers may stop buying Wii games and start to focus more on PS3/Xbox360. The third party developers can only survive on Wii if they develop games that critics and most of us here think is "crap". Nintendo may end up be the only one making great games for Wii and they'd better come up some new IP soon enough.

I truly believe Nintendo is taking a different approach this time. I am really happy to see they put a smile on the people, the people who never play video games. For that regard, I think Nintendo has already won this generation.

Can Nintendo stay competitive next generation? Maybe not. But they will have a handful of CASH. They will use those cash to buy any technology and experience been accumulated this generation on PS3/Xbox360 for their next console and games. Sneaky, sneaky Nintendo.

Well, if we look, that your, non-gamer, 50 yo colleague plays Wii, just like i, and Bod and Rol and most of this forums members, it looks like Nintendos strategy is working. If your 50 yo friend doesn't buy games, it doesn't mean that the people, i just mentioned, wouldn't buy any. Although, in one way that example brought up one problem, which is lack of advertising. She would know what SMG is, if it would have been advertised more heavily. She would even know No More Heroes coming, if it would have enough advertising. Even with heavily advertised, it's a whole different matter, that would she like the game. The "non-Nintendo fan" gamers leaving is a bad example, since in a little more than a year, 20 million people have bought Wiis, and a lot of them are kids, whos parents have bought their Wiis, and people, who don't buy second console in a generation. These people/patents aren't going to invest that much money to a second console, because they have a console, which has just been bought. Problem with that logic is, that the established installbase isn't going anywhere. 3rd parties can survive on Wii by making games, that most of us think is crap, and they can make shitload of money on the Wii, if they make games that most of us think are good. But on 360 and PS3, they can survive if they make games that most of us think is crap or by making games that most of us think are good. I hope you can see the difference here. I do agree that Nintendo has won by looking at that Wii appeals also to the non-gamers, that was the strategy after all. But i don't agree with what you're trying to say, that these new gamers wouldn't buy games besides Wii Sports/Play/Fit, some of course don't, but they will buy games that have requirements low enough to get into the gameplay and enough things to do with their skill level, just like in the Super Mario or GTA series. @Twroo: There is a table tennis game in Wii Play, and it's called "Table Tennis".

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

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Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.