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ethomaz said:

Michael-5 said:

To my knowledge, Forza 4 has modeled Nurburgring to the same accuracy as GT5. Not sure about every track, but it would make no sense that their other tracks differed in accuracy. I never heard anything about Forza 3 or 4 tracks being wider then then should, could you at least tell me where you heard that from (Don't need a source, just want to know where you heard it from)

Turn 10 did not make Nurburgring's track wider, and what? Nurburgring track times are close to real in GT5? In the GT-R I beat the lap record in GT5. In fact there is a tropy for it isn't there? How can that be accurate.

Jermy Clarkson himself did an interview for Fifth Gear when GT4 came out and he went off to compare the authenticity of the accuracy of track times. He took the Acura NSX on that Laguna course in the US somewhere. His GT4 time was 20-30 seconds faster then his real life time, and he pointed out many of the reasons as to stuff GT5 and Forza 3/4 cannot model (like feeling bumps and stuff). He also said you loose traction in these bumps and GT4 didn't model the change in traction very well (Forza 4 focuses on this to model).

What I do know is that for the several race driver profiles in Forza Motorsport 3, they asked the real world race drivers to set lap times on various different tracks so they can program an AI to match their driving style and lap speed. Apparently most of them got lap times withing fractions of a second to their real lap times. Now that is accurate, and .... I'll look up this video.

Found it. Stefane Sarrazin's opinion on Forza Motorsport 3

Brakes and feel are perfect "You need to brake like in a race car, very late, big breaking, acceleration after the apex. It's like in reality" "I brake at the same point, turn at the same point"

Real Track Time 1:06.5

Forza 3 Track Time 1:06.7

So there, all this BS about braking, busted I'd trust a professional race driver, and my own experience then a bunch of people who clearly primarily play GT5 only.

Everything you say sounds like complete BS to me. I can't corner any easier in Forza 3 then I do in GT5, and the speeds I take corners in GT5 with is about the same as in Forza 3. I've tried both games on the same tv, both using wheels, and the difference between my lap times on identical tracks isn't major in either game. The main difference is Forza models braking better (you don't brake while cornering otherwise the friction used to brake would send you straight off the track, so this alone shows you that what you say is complete bs), where in GT5 your car drifts more easily because momentum is better accounted for in GT5.

To be honest, I feel GT5 is an inferior sim to Forza 3 because of damage. In GT5 when you hit a bump or get air, your car's suspension is poorly modeled. This usually only happens on the fictional courses, but I've had my car get 10 feet of air, and not bottom out or cripple the suspension. That doesn't happen in real life, drop a Ferarri any more then 1 foot and you have extensive damage, the car may not even be drivable. Race for more then 10 minutes in Forza 3 and your lap time will start to drop due to tire wear. That doesn't happen in GT5. Try to take a Porsche on nurburging, the second lap is very very different from the first. Ontop of that braking. In GT5 braking is only really allocated by brake force. In Forza 3 depending on the pith and speed of the car, different tires brake differently. With damage, sometime 1 wheel can lock up, but not the others. this never happens in GT5.

I have to agree with the reviewers, and well any figurehead which has played Forza 4. From what they say Forza 4 is the best simulator available this generation, and from my experience with Forza 3 and GT5, I would be surprised if it wasn't.

You call all bullshit even when some reviewers stated that.

5 seconds on google...

The tracks in Forza 3 are wider than real one and GT5 one... and the reviews I read said that not changed in Forza 4.

That's so ease to see... just stop your car in Forza 3 and look at proportion of track/car... the cars in Forza3 looks small compared to real one, but in fact the tracks are bigger... that's not a problem for a pro driving in line but for amateurs make the driving more easy .

I can found more if you insist .

Your quoting forum threads by users, and not Turn 10 or PD figures. I'm returning my debate with race driver inputs, actual values for track times, and comments from multiple large scale video game websites. Do you see why your counters have no value? Do you see why I can so easily call your BS?

If I made a thread saying GT5 tracks were 115% wider then in real life, does that make it true? Stop reading forums, and base your comments off real data.

As for my other points? I assume you agree? You stopped bugging me on track times when I busted you above, you stopped hastling me on brakes when I busted you above? Will you now stop spreading these rumors of Forza 3/4 being an inferior simulator? Forza 4 is overall the best, simple as that, but GT5 still has it's merrits. Can't you just accept that?

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