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NotStan said:
Slimebeast said:
NotStan said:
Slimebeast said:
NotStan, what level are you? Im gonna try the taurus seriously now.

I am level 12 warrior at the moment when reaching Taurus, he seems to destroy me in hand to hand, my dodges just seem to be too slow, I think I need to practice a bit, but his sweeps always get me by like a hair's breadth.

Fcuk Im slow as usual. I was lvl 18 when I beated Taurus.

What the hell lmao? How'd you get level 18!? I died a few times, but only lost like a level at max. 

My personalty doesn't fit well with dark Souls since I am all run and gun with no patience whatsoever. I leveled up while trying to beat that black knight time and time again but I wasnt able to kill him, so I realized I could try take on the Taurus instead. I've died at least 50 times.