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ethomaz said:
Michael-5 said:

From someone who has played over 150 hours of both games and real world experience on the track (in crap cars, but still). I would say you should give Forza another look. The difference in simulation abilities is not drastically balanced to either game (forza 3 vs. GT5), and both have their benefits (tire deformation in Forza, weight distribution in GT).

I expect Forza 4 to take all the best traits of GT5 and Forza 3 and top them, so it's worth checking out.

At least stop saying it lacks reality because it plain doesn't.

If you like track out of proportion, no brake control and [other thing I can't say the word in english] fine. But I don'st like and why I say it lacks reality "driving" with Forza.

I didn't played Forza 4 but forza 3 is so and the reviews indicated that it has not changed.

That's complete BS, I believe both GT5 and Forza 4 both have nurburging modeled to within 12 inches of elevation. Forza tracks are just as accurate as GT5's.

No brake control, that's also BS too because Forza highlights itself on accurate tire grip, and braking. You know identical cars will brake differently on different tracks in Forza 4 because the difference in temperature between regions and on the pavement will alter the braking accordingly? GT5 doesn't have that, braking force is only influenced by elevation, and tread. Braking in GT5 is not influenced by weight distribution to each tire, nor by brake temperature, and only minimally by tire and brake pad wear. Forza 4 by all accounts models braking better then any other simulation racing game in existance.

Forza 3 isn't what you make it out to be. Braking my not be influenced by pavement tempurature like it is in Forza 4, but it's still influenced by many more factors then in GT5 (specifically brake temperature and tire/brake pad wear).

Trust me, I've play a lot of both. I'm about to Complete Forza 3, and I've gotten well over 50 hours in GT5, beating everything except the endurance races. I also use a fan-tech wheel. Racing games are my primary genre, and I basically own, and have beaten every good racing game out there.

What GT5 does better then Forza 3 (not sure about 4 yet) is weight distribution during braking,cornering, and acceleration.. Your car will shift weight more accuratly in GT5 because the models in GT5 allocated the weight of the car to a more speific region then in Forza 3. In Forza 3 the weight of the car was distibuted over 3 regions (front, middle, and rear), and the majority of the influence that did was on braking directly. Momentum of the car wasn't modeled as thoroughly. What GT5 does that makes it better in this aspect then Forza 3 is that the cars weight is distibuted along more then 3 partitions of the car. So if the engine is really far back in the front vs. a normal front engine, GT5 will model that Forza 3 won't (however Forza 4 does this now). However, Forza 3 still does braking better. The benefit of the weight partitioning in GT5 is in momentum. You will notice a car with 40-60 weight distribution corner differently then a car with 35-65 weight distribution, and the same engine layout (RWD, Mid Engine). You won't notice that in Forza 3 (Forza 4 you will, but with momentum specifically GT5 may still be better).

Now I know weight partitioning and car modeling is done just as accuratly in Forza 4 as it is in GT5, and I know aerodynamics, engine braking, tire grip and deformation, engine fatigue, weight adjustment and balance within the car model (How the weight is shifted along the car during cornering and acceleration affecting the pressure on each tire, and thus grip, dip in body, and aerodynamics), and even engine noise among other factors, is better modeled in Forza 4 then GT5, and any other racing Sim (also every aspect I name is influenced by car damage).

The only thing GT5 can model more accuratly then Forza 4 is momentum (I have yet to see it, can only read so much), and models of surrounding building (Forza 3 has almost no city tracks, so I'll have to wait for image by image comparissions). That's not enough to say GT5 is a better simulator. I'd only say that's enough to argue that Forza 4 isn't better in every aspect of simulation to GT5.


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