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Well all you Simpson fans can be relieved the cast and crew negotiated a pay cut that will allow the show to continue to be produced for at least another season. Fact is the Simpsons crew is one of the highest paid cartoon development teams in the world, I guess if they are willing to take this steep pay cut they must realize the importance of Simpsons to their careers and livelihoods.

However I do have to wonder if Fox executives are taking pay cuts? I mean television shows on Fox and other channels are becoming more and more expensive to produce and less and less revenue is coming in. It used to be a show got 3-million views it would remain on the air for a season it was acceptable. But this season a show got 5-million views and was dropped after three episodes.

Its like all the banks that laid off tons of staff and accepted bail outs, yet their executives barely saw a cut in their pay checks while everyone else within the companies suffered. I like Nintendo's approach where the companies leadership actually takes responsibility for the poor sales and takes a pay cut alongside any other staff receiving the cut.

A company is supposed to be a team, the boss is no good without the team. Sure the boss is important and deserves higher pay but why should the whole team take a pay cut while the executives remain unaffected. I mean really is it the teams fault that sales are winding down or bad business decisions were made by those in leadership? No, so why should the executives be protected at the cost of the developers who actually make the products?


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer