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As the title says, what's been your most intense gaming session. What game had your hands dripping with sweat? What's that game that got your heart going over 200 beats a minute? What's that game that had you fill your bladder with pressure due to the need to keep playing? What's that game that made your ass fall asleep due to lack of blood? What's that game that made your eyes burn due to TV drainage? What's that game that made you question your potential gaming addiction? What's that game?

For me, it's a SOCOM: FireTeam Bravo.

SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo was an addictive tactical shooter on the PSP. This game was epic. It was so addictive that many people died while playing the game due to starvation. All of the gamers were covered in their own feces & urine. After a survey involving Socom gamers, 103.3% of all applicants admitted that they would rather play Socom continuously & die than take breaks for food & water. That's awesome!

In May 2008, one Socom gamer named Joe Momba fainted while playing the game. Doctors say the cause of the man's faint lies in heart complications. Apparently, Joe had a pretty healthy heart, but while playing Socom, his heart stopped due to the intensity! After being rejuvenated, the man said that the first thing he wanted to do was play more Socom.....Joe died that same day.

Fortunately for me, I haven't died from the game. But I did come pretty close one day. I once played Socom for 29 consecutive hours in ONE NIGHT! (don't think about it). It was one intense night. I lost 6 pounds that night....

So what's been your most intense gaming session?