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Crystalchild said:
Slimebeast said:
Only 20 hours left til I can go to my store and buy it.

its pretty much the same for me until i receive it in my mailbox. =) (Gettin it earlier, okay, but cant start playing that early)


but if i encounter the MailGuy, i kill him. seriously, since the tracking says sending failed., and i got the info that the Adress was definetly right. (Called DHL)

so it was his flaw (maybe, he didnt want to run up all those stairs?), that i didnt get it today.


edit @Libara:

i hope so! because the last thing i want to see, was the same flaw that existed in Demons. (Item Duplication).. because if it stays, i really get pissed off. i can live with cheap deaths and all, but flaws like this are unignorable.

U live in Sweden too? (since you can track the mail)