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thx1139 said:
Nope. MS already owns part of Facebook and more valuable to MS if they just continue to integrate with Facebook and grow Xbox Live.

Umm yah Microsoft only owns a 1.6% stake in FaceBook. FaceBook crushing Microsoft's online services would do a lot of damage to Microsoft. EA owned more of UbiSoft then Microsoft owns of FaceBook yet you didn't see EA sitting back and taking it easy on UbiSoft do you?

Fact is owning such a small share in your competitor doesn't mean your competitors success will benefit you much at all. Microsoft also owns shares in Apple so should they not create a competitive device to I-Pod, I-Phone, Apple TV?

FaceBook is a direct competitor and so is Google. Right now Microsoft is working with FaceBook against Google but both companies are stealing viewers and users away from Microsoft. Without a much larger stake in FaceBook its not in Microsoft's best interest to loose market share to FaceBook.

Microsoft has invested small amounts into social networking before. however each time they failed to fully invest or throw their might behind the sites. No integration of Windows etc...

As for the idea that Windows services are already integrated, they are but their is no single hub for all of them. Also the OS is not integrated with all of them. Full integration of all their online services from X-Box Live profiles to Windows Live profiles to Windows Phone's and Windows OS as well as all the other services. Right now MSN is the closest thing to a hub but it could be greatly improved and doesn't integrate all the services Microsoft has to offer.


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