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I'm glad they had the beta, because I saved $60. I had it preordered, and I played quite a bit of Battlefield 2, but this game is just not for me. I play a lot lot lot of shooters and I'm having trouble finding the fun here. A whole lot of getting shot from bushes and dark corners. The last game just now I died 8 times before I even SAW an enemy. Spawned at original spawn? Dead. Spawn on team mate? Dead. Seriously 8 times, and never saw an opponent once. Not even as live fire markers on my map.

No thanks. It can be pretty as heck, but it's like the old days of Halo 2 where it was possible to completely lock down spawns and instakill whole teams for a whole game.

Looks great though - and SP/co-op looks even better than MP.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?