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smroadkill15 said:
Marks said:
lol good joke. I hate Gears is so boring, all that happens online is you put 58 shots of lancer into a guy then he ducks behind a wall for 3.4 seconds and he's back to full health, then he rolls a couple times and shotguns you once and you're dead. BOOOOORING.

Gears online is worse than getting danger close noob tubed in Modern Warfare 2 or ghost camped by some bitch in Black Ops.

Every single person I know that says they hate Gears online are usually really bad. It might not be the case with you, but it's just an observation I've made over the time of playing gears of war.  It's a different type of game and a lot of my friends that hate Gears mainly play FPS's for there online needs. 

I could probably get good at it with time, but when I tried it for a while (I bought Gears 2 at launch) I was pretty bad. 

I've been good at other 3rd person shooters like Rainbow Six Vegas and Uncharted 2 online, so I'm sure I could get decent at Gears. 

I just hate games with high health like Halo/Gears. I prefer shooters with quick deaths like Rainbow Six, Call of Duty, Battlefield, etc.  So I know its just personal opinion but I can't stand Gears. And its not just the high health I hate its all the rolling around, the cover system, etc. I like Halo better than Gears because there's no cover system and no camping.