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contestgamer said:
vlad321 said:
Player1x3 said:
vlad321 said:

Good god man, you can't go TWO sentences without contradicting yourself. In sentence one you acknowledge that murder is not the same action as killing someone for murder. Then in sentence two you claim it is hypocritical, or the same. Cognitive dissonance much? Do you even realize that your 2 sentences are contradictory?

I can, its just that you are either seeing some unexistant point, or you are totally missing mine. I am all for harsh punishment of a said action, just not the one in which person is killed. Taking away human life is never acceptable, except in self defence and saving innocent life.Whoever does it for any other reason should be severely punished. However, a convict on life sentence cant do any more harm to the society, and if the person he/she killed is already dead(duh), killing a convict wont bring the victim back, so there is no point

You could have just said "no, i don't see the contradiction in what I said." and it would have been shorter. You said it was hypocritical, saying that the two actions, execution and murder, are the same. However, we agreed that an action has two parts, purpose and consequence. Execution and murder have the same consequence, yes, however the purposes are VERY different, making the actions different and therefore not hypocritical.

Killing the convict is just to make sure society knows what will happen when you do something heinous. Even monkeys who get shocked every time an object is touched learn not to touch said object. It's negative reinforcement for all of society.

It sure works. The U.S only has the highest murder rate of any country in the western world. But then again it houses the most prisoners in the world and practices the death penalty so I'm sure that's all working as a great deterrant. 


oh wait...But research shows that humane, so-called "luxury" prisons are much more effective at rehabiliation. damn.

You do realize that the correlation does not mean causation correct? There are other problems that lead to the murder rate.

Also why the fuck are you rehabilitating pre-meditated murder convicts?

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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