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Still waiting to see the real deal before I judge the Wii U's capabilities and believe what some developers are saying about its power.

The big wild card when it comes to developers utilizing the full extent of the Wii U's hardware is Nintendo themselves ironically enough, because they are the ones who set the precedent for their own consoles... for example, the reason why there are so many party / mini game /waggle fests on the Wii is because Nintendo started the trend themselves with Wii Sports / Wii Play / Mario Party etc, and 3rd party developers simply followed the model for what sells on the console.

If Nintendo presents us with a launch lineup of games for the Wii U that includes a couple of games that really raise the bar for graphics standards on home consoles (like maybe a new Metroid Prime, fingers crossed!) , then 3rd party developers will follow suit. If they just give us more of the same motion-controlled gimmicks without emphasizing the visual capabilities of the system, then 3rd parties might slack off a bit and just deliver straight ports of current 360/PS3/PC games.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.