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I would personally love a FFVII remake, but I just don't see it happening. However, I'd rather they just move forward and before I go on, FFXII was an insanely good game. It has gotten a ton of awards, it's got an excellent story in my opinion, I'm not very keen on love story of the previous FFs, but it doesn't stop me from enjoying them. Really the only negative was the soundtrack compare to the previous, not as epic in my opinion. As for XIII, it's also a great game. Maybe it didn't live up to the hype for most players but it is still a great addition to the FF franchise.

I think SE is saving us from its own creation. A remake will FFVII never be successful. It will not capture that same magic of playing it for the first time.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian