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I was actually leaning toward getting a PS3 due to BC way back in 2005. However, when the 360 launched, and the PS3 was delayed, I sat on the fence. I wasn't thinking about buying a 360 at launch - I just waited until I saw games I wanted. I finally started seeing them in the wild in March, and I was crazy about COD2. I had a couple games and decided in April to buy it.

When the PS3 was getting closer to launch, and I heard about the pricing ($499 and $599), I was immediately turned off. However, I did plan to buy one at launch and resell it. I thought about it and voted against it. Within two weeks after launch, I saw them in Wal-Marts. A friend of mine passed up an offer of $1,500 for his 60gb PS3 because he wanted more loot. Just weeks later, he was kicking himself for not selling it. A month after launch, he sold it for what he paid for it. He got pwn3d.

Sony's main problem in the U.S. is price. Some folks don't care and will pay $400 plus on a system, but most folks won't. They are perfectly content with playing old skool consoles. It makes them happy - and most folks aren't very interested in getting HD because it's way too expensive.

Most Americans will pick up a PS3 when it hits $200, may $300, but more than that ... I dunno.