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@ Yacuzaice...

I'm not sure if Mettalicube is going to respond to you any further, but.. if he does, you really should just let it go.
You've presented more than enough common sense arguments and counter reasoning to his conspiracy assumptions than should be necessary when dealing with an open mind, so obviously, that's not what you're dealing with.
Mettalicube, simply put, chooses not to believe what the vast majority of experts, eye-witnesses, and everday Americans understand with both their hearts and minds. For whatever reason, he WANTS it to be a conspiracy and will hold on to that sentiment regardless of evidence to the contrary, as will others like him.

Personally, I think it's a grave dishonor and near unforgivable insult to the people that died on 9/11 to continually fuel and further perpetuate anything other than the idea that it was a well planned and orchestrated terrorist attack.
Truthers, as they're called, don't want the truth as it is, but rather the reality of anything that might help feed their preference for anarchy. What better way to destroy those things you hate than by rote incrimination through whatever means are presented, and in that regard, 9/11 is an almost perfect opportunity to do just that.
Implausibility, confusion, and unprecedented circumstance combined in just the right mix to leave the exact details of what happened always in question.
It happened with Pearl Harbor, the assassination of JFK, the events in New Orleans after Katrina just to name a few.
Let the conspiracy theorists have their way, without argument. Like us they want justice. But due to subjective bias and, in my opinion, a shortcoming of logical reasoning, always end up with the wrong target.