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Runa216 said:
brendude13 said:

Give it a rest, Final Fantasy XIII-3 will most likely never come out.

Ever heard of Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Halo ODST? It's the same thing that Square is doing right now, a sequel to a sequel, if you can pass Final Fantasy XIII off as a sequel in the first place.

my question is...why does it even matter? I don't buy games based on the number in the title, I buy them based off their quality.  Yeah, sometimes I tend to care more about sequels to games I liked, but that's usually a matter of continuity. 

With Final Fantasy, they're the same in theme and title only, each one is a completely new game, none of which take place in the same world.  Just because a game is called Final Fantasy XIII doesn't mean it's the 13th in that series (Well it does, but this is different), it just means that it's the 13th game with that name, and each one has the option to expand into something completely its own. 

Final Fantasy XIII has XIII, XIII-2, Type 0, and vsXIII
Final Fantasy XII has XII and XII: Revenant Wings
Final Fantasy XI has...too many to count (Expansion packs)
Final Fantasy X has X and X-2
Final Fantasy VII has VII, Crisis Core, and...seriously, I lost track.  Dirge of Cerberus is one, there's one for mobile phones, the movie....
Final Fantasy IV has IV, The After Years and Interlude

this isn't uncommon, each one has the option to branch out into more games.  I just wish they'd do something with VI, I'd love to see a remake of that with the graphics of IV on the PSP. 

If you feel the games are enjoyable it doesn't matter to be honest. It only matters to gamers that feel differently.  I honestly hope that FFXIII-2 turns out to be good. I don't like seeing a franchise I grew up enjoying slide into mediocrity.  Maybe it will be the opposite of X-2 and actually improve upon the initial game. I'm not holding my breath but I hope that is the case.