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your mother said:
johnlucas said:
Soiling the name of Nintendo with all this "S" disturbing. I'd venture to say most sales numbers are off more than we think. Lots of people buy from Wal-Mart including me. If Wal-Mart doesn't release numbers we could be off by a million or so for everybody maybe more. No 100% sales trackers exist INCLUDING NPD so let it go or start your sales-tracking site and see if you can do better. John Lucas

We should be grateful that there are sites that gather data and try their best to provide the most accurate estimates possible, and for free even!

This goes for any site that tries to logically and accurately calculate their numbers. I still think VGC is the best in this regard (so far; there's no letting down standards!), but I don't discount NGW either. Combined, all the reputable resources and websites give us a better picture than any one source of information can.

Personally, I'm just happy that such resources even exist.


I am too and that's why I gave my words to the guy calling himself "nintendo". He acts like NPD is gospel when it's just another estimate. If Wal-Mart doesn't share numbers everybody's probably off.

I like VGChartz and hope one day it becomes the premier tracker of game sales so we can finally know how the companies are really doing. Not just for here but for Europe and everywhere else in the world.

John Lucas 

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot