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I was having alot of difficulty deciding what console I will buy this Gen, I knew I would get a Wii, but I was not sure about my HD console... After serious thought I have come to this conclusion.

Between March and When I graduate from College in May I will buy my Wii, I have been waiting because well, I could not find one over christmas, and I do not have time during the semester to play. When I purchase it I will get MP 3, SMG, SSBB and MK(if it is out) with it. I have Zelda: TP for cube, so I will wait until it becomes a best seller to pick it up.

Now this is where it is difficult to decide, I like the Libraries(and future library's) of both the PS3 and 360... but all of the games I really want for the 360 on PC and the PS3 is too expensive.

So here is the plan, my laptop turned 4 this week so I need a new PC, I am going to build and powerful gaming PC/ Multimedia PC, using about 1400 dollars including a 19-22 inch monitor. This way I can get CoD4, and Oblivion(the only 360 games I want) and replace my PC in one shot...

I will wait a year or 2 until the PS3 has dropped in price to around 200-250 and then buy it, for the BR and the PS3 games I MUST HAVE (GT5, FFXIII, MGT4, GTA4)

 I plan on the Wii being the console I buy 60% of my games (With selecting certian titles for PC, and PS3)

I have no interest in Halo at all... so that is why I do not need a 360...


So what do you all think about my plan?

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.